Manviya Vaibhav Vikas (MVV) Nyas, a charitable society founded in the year 1986 has constantly displayed a complete awareness in the field of education by setting up English medium Senior Secondary School for boys in Patna by the name of Gyan Niketan in 1986.

Our History
Manviya Vaibhav Vikas (MVV) Nyas, a charitable society founded in the year 1986 has constantly displayed a complete awareness in the field of education by setting up English medium.

Our Vision
After having received numerous requests from parents to start a school exclusively for girls with the same values, aims and objectives and in consideration to the fact that there is a dearth..

Aim & Objective
For one who has just stepped into this world and begun to toddle the journey of life, falling, getting up and again faultering every moment is a startling experience of awe, wonder..